Data Collection in Zambia

Data Collection, Survey Logistics, and Quality Assurance

Translation and Programming of Survey Instruments

With over 2,000 languages spoken by it's inhabitants, Africa is one of the most linguistically divers regions in the world. For example, South Africa has 11 major languages, Zambia has seven (7), and Ghana has six (6). Conducting surveys in such linguistically diverse countries requires translation and contextualisation of survey instruments to suit the target populations.

As part of our data collection support services, M31 Research translates and back-translates survey instruments in each of the countries we operate. Translation and back-translation is conducted by two independent teams of at least three (3) translators who later meet to discuss the differnt translation choices until a final translated instrument is produced.

All our quantitative surveys are conducted using Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI). Within our organisation are highly skilled CAPI programmers proficient in popular digital data collection platforms including ODK, SurveyCTO, KoboToolbox, CSPro, Survey Solutions, and CommCare.

Recruiting and Training of Data Collection Staff

Training of data collection staff

M31 Research maintains a vast network of Supervisors and Enumerators from all parts of the countries we operate in allowing us to quickly mobilise large teams of experienced survey staff. Given the challenges imposed by a culturally divers population in Africa, our Enumerators are carefully selected based on age, gender, education, and experience to suit each assignment. The Enumerators tend to be multilingual allowing for a versatile team that can traverse many parts of the country we are working in.

We develop Enumerator Training Manuals that ensure standardised instruction during the training workshop and reliable reference in the field. The Enumerators receive training on all aspects of the data collection including a review of each survey question in a classroom setting.

Logistics for Data Collection

Logistics are the backbone of successful data collection. We use our experience to navigate Government requirements and obtain permissions including IRB clearance quickly. M31 maintains the latets tablet computers, powerbanks, and smartphones for use in data collection.

Data Collection and Quality Assurance

Our comprehensive and holistic quality assurance (QA) system produces and ensures quality data through six (6) components.

Effective Training of Staff

Quality data can only come from well trained survey staff. Before data collection can start the staff are trained on survey best practices.

Automated Data Quality Checks

High Frequency Checks are critical to data quality especially when the survey is conducted by many teams that can not be observed at once.


Backcheckers re-interview a randomly selected sample of respondents to check for differences in key variables with the main interviewers.

Respondent Tracking

In panel studies data quality is affected by attrition. We use our local knowledge to find respondents even if they have moved.

Geographical Information Systems

We use modern technology such as GPS data to verify respondent locations and plan future visits.

Frequent Reporting

As an output of our QA system, daily, weekly, and monthly progress reports keep stakeholders informed about data quality and field challenges.